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Mobile Device Management

By on Oct 17, 2013 in Tech Simp |

We talk with John Neibel on the impact of mobile devices on the enterprise and some strategies that companies are doing to manage them on their network. [vimeo video_id=”70130532″ width=”480″ height=”392″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]

Improving Restaurants

By on Mar 20, 2013 in Development, software, Tech Simp, Web |

Terrence talks with Hamed Mazrouei – CEO and Leblanc Meneses – CTO of Improving Restaurants. They discuss how they have built out a platform for restaurants to utilize in tracking customer satisfaction. Their vision is to reinvent the restaurants industry by creating a single platform that integrates with existing tool sets. [vimeo video_id=”61383636″ width=”480″ height=”392″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”] Their website with more information:

To CMS or not to CMS…. that is the question

By on Dec 3, 2012 in Development, software, Tech Simp, Web |

So you think you need a CMS? Let’s start off by answering the question of what is a CMS? CMS stands for content management system, which is an application that’s designed around allowing a user to go in and manage the content for their website. Content management systems come in a wide variety of styles and complexities depending upon your usage requirements. In future posts we will come back and visit different CMS systems and explain what their best uses are, but first in this initial article we talk about the tell-tell signs to help you identify if you need a content management system. You can ascertain that you may need a content management system if you’ve got a large amount of data that is going to need to be updated on a regular basis and that content is of a similar nature. On the other hand if you do not have a need to add data to your website on an ongoing...

Security-Service Level Web Applications

By on Oct 9, 2012 in software, Tech Simp |

So you’re looking to get a website built and you’re worried about security. Well, now’s the time to look at how you’d like to get that website built, because many of the basic website-building languages have varying levels of security available. Now this article is not here to discuss the details in great depth, but it will give you a basic overview of some of the basic ideas around security and how the different languages handle them. From a security perspective, size isn’t as important as the data that you’re trying to protect. For example, if you’re creating an online banking service or stock exchange service, then security is of the highest importance, and you’re going to want to use a language like Java. Java can provide you with a service layer – one that acts like a gatekeeper to your database to protect it from being...

Enterprise Development is not easy

By on Sep 17, 2012 in Development, Tech Simp, Web | 0 comments

I recently read an article (by Nir Eyal) that really resonates, starting with his desire “to get back to learning from what the company did right instead of debating what its bankers did wrong” The article was inspired by Facebook user research by Andrew Chen (see here), which reveals half of Facebook’s huge user base actually hit the site every day. According to Nir: a mastery of the mechanics of habit design is increasingly deciding startup winners and losers. Not only because habits cement user behavior in an increasingly cluttered digital world, but because a high-engagement product is also a high-growth product. The two are one and the same. A high DAU to MAU ratio is a great indicator of the strength of user habits and, ceteris paribus, I’d bet on a business with the higher ratio over a competitor every time. Plenty of insight there; it’s hard to deny that...

Agile Development – Improving Enterprises

By on Feb 13, 2012 in Development, IT Services, Tech Simp |

[vimeo video_id=”36676960″ width=”480″ height=”392″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”] We travel over to Improving Enterprises to talk with Barry Rogers and Ken Howard about their book Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide.